Jyeshtha Masa Mahatmya

Jyeshtha Masa Mahatmya

Jyeshtha is the month of transition from uttarayana to dakshinayana. It is the peak of Grishma Ritu. 

Jyeshtha Shukla Dashami - Bhagirathi ( Ganga) Janmadina - Dasha-Hara 

This day Ganga come down to Bhu loka and there are 10 astrological yoga that happen and is very special for removing 10 types of sins. 
Himsa ( violence), Stealing, illicit sexual acts, lying, harsh behaviors, backbiting, harming others with our words, plotting against others, lusting for others belongings and nastikata ( not having faith in dharma).

Punya snana in ganga is performed on this day. Any manasa tirtha snana, sadhana will be accelerated by Papa-kshaya.

ज्येष्ठः शुक्लदलं हस्तो बुधश्च दशमीः तिथिः ॥
गरानन्दव्यतीपाताः कन्येंदुवृषभास्कराः ॥ ११९-८ ॥
दशयोगः समाख्यातो महापुण्यतमो द्विज ॥
हरते दश पापानि तस्माद्दशहरः स्मृतः ॥ ११९-९ ॥

On this Day Lord Rama also installed the Shiva linga in Rameshwara. 

Jyeshta Shukla Ekadashi - Nirjala Ekadashi followed by dvadashi meal

Among all the 24 ekadashi's in a year, this is the toughest as total fasting is done on this day. Even water is not consumed on this day, that is why it is called Nirjala ekadashi. 
Once in a conversation between Pandavas, Shri Krishna and Vyasa, the mahatmya of nirjala ekadashi is discussed. 
Bhima says to Vyasa that fasting is not possible for him at all as the fire named "Vruka" is constantly blazing in his stomach and only food can satisfy this fire, that is why bhima is also called "Vrukodara" - Vruka is the fire and udara is stomach)

Then vyasa tells him the greatness of nirjala ekadashi and convinces him to atleast fast on this particular ekadashi, even if he has missed the others. 

After fasting on Ekadashi ( sunrise - to next sunrise) one must break the fast in an auspicious way by offering prayers, pooja, dhyana etc to lord Vishnu ( as ekadashi vrata is in reverence of Vishnu devata).

भीमसेन उवाच-
पितामह महाबुद्धे कथयामि तवाग्रतः ।
एकभक्ते न शक्नोमि उपवासे कुतः प्रभो १६।
वृकोऽपिनाम यो वह्निः स सदा जठरे मम ।
अतिवेलं यदाश्नामि तदा समुपशाम्यति १७।
नैकं शक्नोम्यहं कर्तुमुपवासं महामुने ।
येनैव प्राप्यते स्वर्गस्तत्कर्त्तास्मि यथातथम् ।
तदेकं वद निश्चित्य येन श्रेयोऽहमाप्नुयाम् १८।
व्यास उवाच-
वृषस्थे मिथुनस्थे वा यदा चैकादशी भवेत् ।
ज्येष्ठमासे प्रयत्नेन सोपोष्योदकवर्जिता १९।
गंडूषाचमनं वारि वर्जयित्वोदकं बुधः ।
उपभुंजीत नैवेह व्रतभंगोऽन्यथा भवेत् २०।
उदयादुदयं यावद्वर्जयित्वोदकं नरः ।
श्रूयतां समवाप्नोति द्वादशद्वादशी फलम् २१।

Jyeshtha shukla purnima  - Vata Savitri Vrata

This vrata is related to the famous incident of Savitri bringing back her husband from yama. On the trayodashi of jyeshtha masa, Satyavan passed away and savitri through her yukti won yama in her debate on dharma on got back her husband. This day is celebrated to honor her and also to seek blessings of health, saubhagya, offspring, longevity of the husband.

The elaborate details of the vrata are available in various puranas, the crux is to fast and make offerings to savitri and various deities seeking their blessings esp for the longevity of the husband, the vrata itself is given by Shiva ( skanda purana). 
On this day, the vata vruksha is made as the place of worship, as the tree is perennial and ananta. 
women tie thread around the banyan tree ( in the north of india). 
The story of savitri is also retold this day to pass the knowledge and to remember her glory. Various traditions have developed around the vrata, so those following the vrata should go by what is handed to them in their tradition. 

ज्येष्ठस्य पूर्णिमायां तु सावित्रीस्थलके शुभे ॥
प्रदक्षिणा यः कुरुते फलदानैर्यथाविधि ॥ १३२ ॥
अष्टोत्तरशतं वापि तदर्धार्धं तदर्धकम् ॥
यः करोति नरो देवि सृष्ट्वा तत्र प्रदक्षिणाम् ॥ १३३ ॥
उपवासे त्वनंतं च कथायाः श्रवणे तथा ॥ १३७ ॥

श्रीस्कान्दे महापुराण एकाशीतिसाहस्र्यां संहितायां सप्तमे प्रभास खण्डे प्रथमे प्रभासक्षेत्रमाहात्म्ये सावित्रीव्रतविधिपूजनप्रकारोद्यापनादिकथनंनाम षट्षष्ट्युत्तरशततमोऽध्यायः


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