Karthika masa Mahatmya
Among all the months Karthika masa is considered special according to many puranas.
एकतः सर्वतीर्थानि सर्वदानानि चैकतः १९।
एकतो गोप्रदानानि सर्वे यज्ञाः सदक्षिणाः ।
एकतः पुष्करे वासं कुरुक्षेत्रे हिमालये २०।
एकतो मथुरातीर्थे वाराणस्यां च शूकरे ।
एकतः कार्तिको वत्स सर्वदा केशवप्रियः २१।
Ishwara tells his son Karthikeya, that all the tirtha snana, yagna, dana etc are on one side and the blessings of Karthika masa are on another, because this month is the favorite month of Vishnu.
Prathama - Bali Pratipada, Gopooja
Karthika prathama is marked as new year in Gujarati and Rajasthani calendars.
This is the day that marks the symbolic return or subtle return of Bali Chakravarti to bhuloka.
Bali is an asura ( great grandfather of dhruva) who is a great vishnu bhakta. Once he gave away all his land to Vishnu as Vamana, then he expressed a desire to visit his kingdom at least once a year, this is that day when Bali returns to see us all. On this day, people offer their respect to Bali in different ways, these are region specific.
On this day Lakshmi and Kubera are also worshiped in many families.
Mantra for Lakshmi Devi
नमस्ते सर्वदेवानां वरदासि हरिप्रिये
या गतिस्त्वत्प्रपन्नानां सा मे भूयात्त्वदर्चनात्
Mantra for Kubera
धनदाय नमस्तुभ्यं निधिपद्माधिपाय च
भवन्तु त्वत्प्रसादान्मे धनधान्यादि संपदः
Govardhana Pooja
On the same day Govardhana Puja is also performed for the wellbeing of cows upon which rests the wellbeing of man. The symbiotic relationship between cow and man is very sacred and should be protected.
गोवर्धनधराधर गोकुलत्राणकारक
कृष्णबाहुकृतच्छाय गवां कोटि प्रदो भव
Go puja Mantra
लक्ष्मीर्या लोकपालानां धेनुरूपेण संस्थिता
घृतं वहति यज्ञार्थे मम पापं व्यपोहतु
Dvitya - Bhratru Dvitiya / Bhagini dvitiya
This is a day to strengthen the bond between brothers and sisters, those who are born as siblings to the same mother. They have shared a womb. On this day the brothers and sisters pray for the longevity of each other. Surya-arghya is given with this intention by both of them.
The brothers must take all effort to go and eat the food at their sister's house. It will give them a certain special strength. Brothers should also give dana to their sisters based on their capacity.
Shukla ekadashi - Prabodhini ekadashi or Utthana ekadashi
This marks the end of the chaturmasya period and on this day vishnu wakes up from his cosmic sleep.
Shukla dvadashi - Utthana dwadashi
Wedding of lord krishna to Tulasi devi and Dhatri devi
On this day, Dhatri (Gooseberry plant) and Tulasi wed lord Vishnu and ascended to Vaikuntha loka with him. We celebrate this day as a festival to gain lord Vishnu’s grace, by placing a tulasi and gooseberry leaf on a Shiligrama shila.
Karthika poornima / Tripuram Utsavam
कार्तिक्यां पूर्णिमायां तु कुर्यात्त्रैपुरमुत्सवम् ।।
दीपो देयोऽवश्यमेव सायंकाले शिवालये ।। ३३ ।।
ददद्दीपं पूर्णिमायां सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते ।। ३९ ।।
पौर्णमास्यां तु संध्यायां कर्तव्यस्त्रिपुरोत्सवः ।।
दद्यादनेन मन्त्रेण प्रदीपांश्च सुरालये ।।४० ।।
कीटाः पतंगा मशकाश्च वृक्षा जले स्थले ये विचरंति जीवाः ।।
दृष्ट्वा प्रदीपं न च जन्मभागिनो भवंतु नित्यं श्वपचा हि विप्राः ।। ४१ ।।
This is the day Shiva destroyed tripurasura and deepotsavas and deep danas happen in shiva temples, lamps are lighted to glorify shiva. The lighting of lamp gives light and all the jivas ( insects, fly, plants etc that see this light move to higher birth by the grace of lord shiva)
Krishna Ekadashi
Puja of Vishnu in the form of shreepati is done on this tithi. Vishnu is invoked in a kalasha established on tila (Sesame). Godanas are also performed on this tithi.
Bhishma-panchaka Vrata
Bheeshma - Panchaka is a vrata starting on the Krishna Ekadashi of karthikamasa. On this day Bhishma, lying on a bed of arrows, requested for a drink of water from Arjuna, who shot an arrow in the ground from where Ganga’s waters emerged.
On this day one pays tribute to Bhishma through Tarpana as he was an Aajanma-Brahmachari - Life-long celibate and a gyani.
Through this Tarpana we also wash away our ‘Papa-Purushas’ (Baggage of sins). A Kartika masa full of vratas is considered incomplete without Bhishma-panchaka.
In the month of Kartika, many temples all around India, specifically south India perform Deepotsavas (Lighting hundreds of lamps in and around the temple). The birth of Lord Kartikeya happens in the kruttika nakshatra of this masa, even on that day deepotsavas are held.