The grand picture of creation

The grand picture of creation

The grand picture is like that of a river flowing with a great force from high grounds to low grounds, branching into several tributaries, continuously flowing through different lands.

We are
all part of some water current that is flowing in some direction, we may be bound to hit ourselves on several boulders at some point in the flow, we may be part of tranquil currents at yet another point and then suddenly we may be sucked into some vortex that takes us deep below into darkness of the river bed and then there may be an inspiration to swim against this current and if the flow favours us, we will be out of it. The magnanimous river - "Jiva Nadi" has its own intelligence and intent.

The cosmic order called “Dharma” becomes a clear code of conduct to live life for a seeker who at some point in the journey gets at least a glimpse of this river. All the paths in some or the other way try to convey this grand picture to the seeker so that he can follow the natural order of reality. 

Still fate and freewill remain within the sphere of karma. Then, what can alter the fabric of karma? Only divine intervention can alter the karmic fabric. The intent of the source to move differently or the power that can re-route the flow can alone change its course.

When did I ever do my first action? What was the very first karma and who did it?
In the beginning there was equilibrium, that is the supreme state of the source. Stillness; not flow.
Then the equilibrium was altered by a movement in the source which led to the first action that resulted in time and space; the flow begins with this first act. The very first movement in the source was out of its own inspiration to expand its condensed state.
Time and space then became
the modifiers of the now altered source. A series of changes occurred to the altered source through numerous modifications resulting in a great expanse called the cosmos . We too are a result of some change somewhere, and now we carry with us the causes or reasons for further change. The expanding source will return to stillness and equilibrium naturally at some point. Thus, the urge to regain equilibrium is present in every element that the cosmos is made up of. A part of the source that is present in everything resonates with the intent of the source.

What is ‘that’ part of the source which is present in everything? It is the source itself, like sparks  of fire coming out of a giant flame are made up of the same flame. This is what is referred to as jiva / atman or soul / inner self  or inner being / true self / pure consciousness etc.

It is the same urge that we feel in our spiritual seeking which we call “yearning” to know, see, be or simply return to the Source. It is the great calling of the Source itself. This urge to reach back equilibrium is present in everything in the cosmos, it becomes recognizable or surfaces more clearly in spiritual seekers due to their higher awareness level of the intent to return. 

When absolute dissolution occurs and equilibrium is restored and we too will return to the source. In this dissolution everything that was in motion is sucked back as a residue into the source itself and remains like a seed which is a potential tree and at some point again this residue becomes the inspiration for the first movement for the expansion to begin again. This residue is the indestructible, unchangeable principle innate to the source, which is its power to expand and contract in cycles again and again. 

 What a seeker should always remember is that the limited life stream that is exposed to him is a part of a grander scheme and his vision is limited to what can be seen within the range of his perception. Only when higher realities are perceived actions of greater meaning manifest.

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