Individual Existence Revisited - Part1

Individual Existence Revisited - Part1

After knowing the grand design when we revisit our individual existence, we see that the cosmic blue print repeats itself within life. Everything we are undergoing is essentially a modification. Even our transformations, physical / mental are all modifications in the stream of life ( Jiva Nadi). 
These are of two types - those that are in the negative flow ( the dark side) and those that are in the positive flow ( the bright side) 

All our emotions, thoughts etc are modifications of the mind happening in one of these two flows. 
In the course of a day we go through countless modifications and shifts within the mind and in-turn a change in the state of our existence. ( thoughts, emotions etc)

The knowledge we gain from the immediate contact of senses and objects lead to what we assume as valid knowledge. This is a modification of the mind from its previous state to a new state. This knowledge gained ( the modification) can be on the dark side or the bright side. 
Similarly, all that we learn by reasoning and inferences are also modifications of the mind. 
Sometimes these modifications result in misconceptions through misinterpretations; this leads to further modifications resulting in confusion, delusion, pain, frustration, anger and so on. At other times mind creates imaginary constructs, concepts, or ideas that do not have a basis in reality.

Valid cognitions, misconceptions, imaginations, even dreams in sleep, sleep itself and recollecting past experiences are all modifications of the mind that can lead the jiva nadi to flow in the dark side or bright side. Once the Jiva nadi catches the currents and flows; it comes across various thoughts, emotions and triggers that lead to actions in both the streams, we end up doing dark things and light things. 

An awakened being, begins to intentionally avoid the dark flow and consciously encourages the bright flow. One gets firmly established in the bright flow only by practicing to restrict the dark flow and nurture the bright flow. This is what is called "Sadhana"

Sadhana - Practice undertaken with the goal of initially remaining in the bright flow and slowly moving to deeper levels of total transformation. What practices should one undertake depends on the temperament in this lifetime and the metaphysical residue remaining, so this detail can be filled only by a worthy guru. 

Sadhana must be - 

  • Firmly Grounded - Such a practice should be approached with commitment and sincerity
  • Sustained effort - Become comfortable with idea of prolonged periods of transformations. It takes huge patiences, willingness and self discipline.
  • Consistent - Practicing regularly gives the required momentum. Hence it is important to not have interruptions or gaps in sadhana.
  • Dedicated - Wholeheartedness is the key to build reverence and deeper connections 

Through this one can establish a strong foundation required for the journey of life. It brings stability, strength and resilience in life. It slows down and then eliminates the mental modifications and results in tranquil waters of the river of life, its pace is in harmony with the higher cosmic flow and at some point it is totally merged as one. ( The blueprints can finally be superimposed in perfection)

Note on Anger - 

मनुजेषु भवान् क्रोधः
Krodha ( anger) is a form of fire.

Just like fire can quickly escalate and spread, anger can also intensify rapidly and have destructive consequences if not controlled. It begins to burn because of some modification in the mind. 

Fire is associated with purification and burning away impurities. Similarly, anger is a force that can cleanse and purify when channeled positively. This is the anger of the Gods. When Devi gets angry on Asuras, she destroys them and purifies everything. ( this power is taken from the fire, krodhagni). Same with the anger of Shiva, Vishnu, Rama, Krishna ( his anger led to the fall of Bhishma in the batter of kurukshetra and resulted in the right mindset of Arjuna) etc.

Anger, if channeled correctly can be transformative like fire, can also lead to personal growth by addressing underlying issues. ( Dhruva's sadhana started of with his anger)

Anger, when harnessed properly, can provide the energy needed to stand up against injustice and make positive changes.

knowing anger as fire helps in understanding the power, intensity, and transformative potential of this emotion, It has to be handled with care and wisdom else it will simply engulf you in its flames.

Fire spreads quickly, unresolved anger intensifies further clouds one's judgment like the rising smoke.
In challenging situations, it will consume you in the "HEAT OF THE MOMENT"
Fire is simply fire, we should know when it should be flared and when extinguished.

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