Source - The vessel of truth

A humble attempt to answer most pressing questions about - the Truth.

The greatest threat comes from over intellectualization and accumulation of spiritual information, it is just like hoarding without using the spiritual principles in real life. The fundamental tenets are very simple and the irony is that the human mind innately and innocently rejects what is simple and basic.

Spirituality, Religion and God

When we see that, there is something greater than ourselves in our lives, something that holds power beyond our comprehension, then our vision expands and we begin to perceive this...

Spirituality, Religion and God

When we see that, there is something greater than ourselves in our lives, something that holds power beyond our comprehension, then our vision expands and we begin to perceive this...

Introduction - The Source

In the present times, more and more individuals are embracing the concept of a transcendent power that exists beyond the material realm. However, amidst this spiritual awakening, a bustling marketplace...

Introduction - The Source

In the present times, more and more individuals are embracing the concept of a transcendent power that exists beyond the material realm. However, amidst this spiritual awakening, a bustling marketplace...