Introduction - The Source

Introduction - The Source

In the present times, more and more individuals are embracing the concept of a transcendent power that exists beyond the material realm. There is a growing desire to integrate spirituality into every aspect of life, and through this they seek meaning and guidance in this rapidly changing world.

With the advent of technology and globalization, a wealth of knowledge from diverse traditions has become readily accessible to people from all walks of life. Ancient wisdom lies open to all, inviting each one of us to explore the myriad paths that can support spiritual journeys. Modern teachers have emerged, offering teachings that can easily be applied in the context of our contemporary lives.

However, amidst this spiritual awakening, a bustling marketplace has emerged, the spiritual marketplace. With the growing tide of spiritual seekers this marketplace is also in a full boom, it is like a demand and supply equation here, the ever growing demand has made this space crowded. The sheer number of options available here can cause confusion and a sense of chaos in a seeker. Even if I look at it as any other “Industry” then surely this industry does not have any regulations and standardizations,  which results in a wide range of quality and authenticity among spiritual offerings, that is in itself a chaos. This chaos is called spiritual materialism, which is forcing seekers into a consumerist mindset, as if spirituality is something to be bought and consumed. People accumulate spiritual accessories, seek out expensive retreats and workshops, or they constantly chase the latest spiritual trends, techniques or teachers, believing that external possessions or experiences will bring them closer to enlightenment or fulfillment. They look for instant gratifications in initiations or mantra dikshas. They constantly seek validation and recognition of their so-called spiritual achievements and pump their egos rather than focusing on true transformation. In this trap they become overly attached to their spiritual experiences, their ecstatic states and alter-consciousness that they begin to take these as their spiritual attainment. They fail to understand that these things are fleeting and impermanent in the long spiritual journey. Just like all materialistic pursuit, spiritual pursuit also becomes goal oriented here, there are stages and levels and titles within the pseudo-spiritual systems and the seekers get entangled in these without cultivating any inner wisdom. 

In this crowded space so many of them promise quick fixes, magical results, instant enlightenment through awakening processes and so on. These sorts of claims are often misleading as they do not address the core concern of a seeker to find proper and true guidance in their journey.

Unfortunately this sacred space of spirituality is also contaminated with exploitation of sincere seekers for personal gains. Exorbitant fees are charged for spiritual teachings, products and services that cost a huge amount of money are pushed in the name of spiritual well being, holistic and natural living. Pay as you wish model is another misused tool. What flows freely from the fountain of knowledge is sold for a heavy price in the name of quality, safety, exclusivity and so on. This is nothing but taking advantage of the sincerity of a seeker. There are also organizations which exhibit cult-like behavior, they exert undue influence upon their followers and almost manipulate them to believe in their own superiority and develop contempt or negative feelings towards other paths. In these cases seekers totally lose their critical thinking because they are in the sway of the influence and don’t realize the pressure to conform to these exploitative and unhealthy environments. Needless to say there is a complete lack of authenticity in this commercialized spiritual marketplace to offer any seeker genuine spiritual guidance. It is a space that is certainly overemphasizing materialism in the name of spiritualism and it is consumerism in the place of spiritual growth. It is only leading seekers in getting a false makeover of being someone with splendid spiritual qualities without any inner transformation.

The greatest threat comes from over intellectualization and accumulation of spiritual information, it is just like hoarding without using the spiritual principles in real life. The fundamental tenets are very simple and the irony is that the human mind innately and innocently rejects what is simple and basic.

This spiritual-materialism is not true spirituality, it is a chaos that needs to be addressed. It is a distortion that needs to be corrected. Those of you who can see this distortion and do not wish to entangle in it must understand the basic tenets of spirituality. You must know the simple and fundamental cosmic principles that underpin our very existence.
By grasping these core principles, you can navigate the maze of spiritual offerings with clarity and discernment. 

While reading a map cannot fully replicate the experience of traversing the territories it represents, having a map is undoubtedly a good starting point. This book serves as such a map, outlining the fundamental territories of spirituality.

I hope by delving into the core principles explored within these pages, you can benefit in your own spiritual journey, equipped with a deeper understanding of the spiritual landscape that awaits you. 


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So many paths and trails
filled with clues and details.
Wanderers, sightseers,
travelers and many others,
Gurus and adepts,
teachers with precepts,
Cults with occult
Children and adult,
seekers and finders,
keepers and outsiders,
loners and groups
with signs and proofs
of right and wrong,
just move along
Where do the paths begin or end?
Where do they join or bend?
Is there a shortest distance
Between purpose and existence?
Is this a maze
or simple plain ways?
Is this the haze
or natural delays?
Are we going in circles
like baby turtles?
Are we alone
on the path we are thrown
Do these roads and alleys
meet the mountains and valleys
in distant peaceful lands
where the spirit expands
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