Source - The vessel of truth

A humble attempt to answer most pressing questions about - the Truth.

The greatest threat comes from over intellectualization and accumulation of spiritual information, it is just like hoarding without using the spiritual principles in real life. The fundamental tenets are very simple and the irony is that the human mind innately and innocently rejects what is simple and basic.

Individual Existence Revisited - Part1

After knowing the grand design when we revisit our individual existence, we see that the cosmic blue print repeats itself within life. Everything we are undergoing is essentially a modification....

Individual Existence Revisited - Part1

After knowing the grand design when we revisit our individual existence, we see that the cosmic blue print repeats itself within life. Everything we are undergoing is essentially a modification....

The grand picture of creation

The grand picture is like that of a river flowing with a great force from high grounds to low grounds, branching into several tributaries, continuously flowing through different lands. We...

The grand picture of creation

The grand picture is like that of a river flowing with a great force from high grounds to low grounds, branching into several tributaries, continuously flowing through different lands. We...

Surrender - What is karma, freewill and fate

The concept of karma is presented very differently by various schools of philosophy. If karma is taken as the dynamic equation of cause and effect, then there are so many...

Surrender - What is karma, freewill and fate

The concept of karma is presented very differently by various schools of philosophy. If karma is taken as the dynamic equation of cause and effect, then there are so many...

What is Re-birth

Rebirth is an idea of continuity of life. With metaphysical residue as the fuel to continue life, a suitable form is taken and the next physical representation of life comes...

What is Re-birth

Rebirth is an idea of continuity of life. With metaphysical residue as the fuel to continue life, a suitable form is taken and the next physical representation of life comes...

Understanding death and casting away the body

Death occurs to the physical body The very causes for body’s existence has the seeds for its own destruction. Adepts cast away their body and their journey continues in higher...

Understanding death and casting away the body

Death occurs to the physical body The very causes for body’s existence has the seeds for its own destruction. Adepts cast away their body and their journey continues in higher...

Impartial view and spiritual refinement of the ...

Heightened awareness of the Awakened leads to impartial view of everything Balance and composure are the flow of the source - litmus test Ideas of spiritual refinement are always in...

Impartial view and spiritual refinement of the ...

Heightened awareness of the Awakened leads to impartial view of everything Balance and composure are the flow of the source - litmus test Ideas of spiritual refinement are always in...