- Desires are a part of our journey towards spiritual growth.
- As we evolve, our focus shifts from material level to the metaphysical level.
- Nurturing material desires to serve a higher purpose contributes to the greater good.
- True material expansion involves physical well-being and nurturing innate skills.
- Material growth should be rooted in nourishment, expansion, and up-liftment, known as Abhyudaya.
- Distinguishing true material growth from ego-driven desires is crucial to avoid undesirable outcomes. Anishta
The notion that desires have no end is a limited perspective, in the cosmic scale, desires, ambitions, and the pursuit of worldly growth are merely a part of our expansive journey. At a certain point in time, this expansion reaches its maximum potential and our focus totally shifts to the metaphysical level for another kind of expansion.
In this metaphysical realm, the significance and value of material desires diminish. We find ourselves able to rise above the worldly aspects and remain unaffected by external circumstances, as we are guided by our spiritual inspirations. It is within this realm that we can comfortably reside, detached from the transient nature of the material world.
For those of us in the phase of our material growth, it is unnatural to cut off what is "growing". All material desires and ambitions should be nurtured well so that they can serve their higher purpose and be of value to the greater collective good. It must have an impact on well-being of everything. This is our contribution, our sacrificial part ( Havi) in the is the grand aparoksha yagna ( the cosmic fire ritual that is happening eternally)
True material expansion is to attain "pushti" in this world. To be nourished here. Having a healthy physical body, honouring our innate skills ( skills are innate to us, each of us is born with at-least one unique skill that needs to be perfected and expanded). The intentions that power our material desires must be rooted in the ideas of nourishment, expansion and up-liftment in our lives. This is called Abhyudaya.
But we often fail to distinguish what is true material growth and what is ego-driven desires or pursuits. We think, hoarding wealth, enjoying comforts that eventually imbalance us, high paying jobs, luxury and vanity, becoming famous or powerful in society / family is all material growth. We fail to distinguish what are our true material desires and what are compulsions or pushes that have been cast upon us by various situations, influencers such as peers, competitors, well-wishers and so on.
Our actions begin to consume these desires, we strive towards it and we fail to notice when our true intentions of growth and wellbeing got contaminated with ego-games, greed, lust, hate, anger, vengeance, heavy loans, compulsions, bad habits and other distortions. The distortion in the "Bhava" ( the true intention) with "Doshas" results in "Anishta" ( undesirable outcomes, certainly downfall) and not "Abhyudaya".