Minimalism - Introduction

Minimalism - Introduction

How far we go depends on how light we travel and how clearly we can see our target - Surya Kiran

Today we have more of everything we dont need and less of important things we care about.  More plastic, more noise, more junk, more traffic, more books, more people. Less time, less health, less silence, less peace and less understanding of life itself. The root problem? Lack of clarity, due to which we carry lot more than we need and burden ourselves and are unable to achieve our maximum potential!

Its time to un-burden ourselves using simple age old concept of Minimalism. In short words: Simple living - high thinking.

What is Minimalism?

Minimalism isn’t about giving up everything and living like a monk on a mountaintop. It’s not about having a white room with just a chair and a light bulb, either. Minimalism means focusing on what truly matters and letting go of what doesn’t. It’s like your mom's advice during a wardrobe clean-out: “Keep what you love, donate the rest.” It’s about making space—physically and mentally—for the things that add value to your life.


Why we need Minimalism?

Let’s face it, folks: we live in a world that constantly tells us to buy more, do more, and be more. Advertisements whisper in our ears like tempting devils, “Buy this shiny new thing, and you’ll be happy!” But here's a twist straight out of an old Bollywood movie: the more we acquire, the more we realize that happiness doesn’t come from stuff. It comes from a meaningful life filled with what you love and value.


Reason 1: To reduce noise, stress and anxiety

In today’s hustle-bustle world, minimalism is like a refreshing monsoon rain after a scorching summer. We’re bombarded with information, choices, and material possessions. This overload leads to stress, anxiety, and a constant feeling of “not enough.” Minimalism helps us cut through the noise. Think of it as the life hack that allows you to focus on what makes you genuinely happy—time with family, a hobby, or simply peace of mind.



Reason 2: Escape the Consumerism trap

Consumerism is the show we are all part of where businesses play the role of cunning magicians. They make us believe we need the latest gadget, the trendiest outfit, the most luxurious car or that 5 crore insurance to be really happy and at peace. Their goal is to keep us constantly buying what they say is important and for higher prices each year, turning us into puppets in their hands.

Trap 1. The Illusion of Happiness: Advertisements try to teach us new ways to be happy. To buy that crazy new chocolate, that powerful car, or fancy gadget or that hot looking dress. Indirectly they are making us feel that we are NOT happy currently and that we will be happy ONLY after we buy their product/service - this is the illusion. 


Trap 2. Endless Upgrades: Ever noticed how there's always a newer, shinier version of what you just bought? Like the updated Mobile phone with higher mega pixels or a newer version of your car with sun roof or that laptop with AI built in. There never seems to be an end to this upgrades. 


Trap 3. Debt Trap: Consumerism encourages us to spend beyond our means, leading to debt and financial stress. It’s like getting a loan inside a casino. Everyone who ever played in a casino knows that the Casino owner always wins and players sooner or later loose all the money they just won. So if someone offered loan inside the casino, people will get into debt that is impossible to recover. The same is happening with Credit cards and the endless offers in the market which gives discount if you use credit card to buy those products.


Trap 4. Loss of purpose: When we end up buying things because of the false-reality created by Businesses through Advertisements (in TVs, Online, Billboards, Newspaper etc) we no longer are able to relate to them or use them appropriately. We tend to loose the very purpose of why we own them.

To break free from this puppet show, we must embrace minimalism. It’s the exit door from the consumerism circus, leading to a simpler, more fulfilling life.


Reason 3: To escape Middle class trap

While middle class people remain the most skillful, talented, hard working, and honest people they continue to stay there without making huge progress - Why? Because their life is designed to solve the problems that are not really their problems. Because they are too worried about what others think. Because they never believe in themselves or the wisdom of Bharat.

Honestly speaking middle class is a sect of people created by British era to serve themselves and ensure that they never grow beyond a level by ensuring they remain trapped in most intelligent ways such as limited monthly salary, peanut benefits, promise of small pension, job security etc etc. As long as we are sold to these types of promises we will remain the middle class trap.

The goal of life should be to be our own master even if we have less but not to be rich only to become someone's slave! The middle class mindset and the consumerism trap - together they ensure most people in India remain middle class and struggle all their lives because of the delusion created by someone else.


Types of Minimalism

Just like there’s more than one way to make a great masala chai, there are various forms of minimalism. Here are a few:

Physical Minimalism: Simple and most effective—decluttering your home and possessions. It’s about owning less but appreciating more

Digital Minimalism: Unplugging from the constant buzz of notifications and reducing digital distractions. Declutter your email, organize your files, and limit screen time.

Financial Minimalism: Simplify your finances. Escape the debt trap, focus on saving, mindful spending, and investing wisely. It’s about spending wisely so that earnings will automatically feel bigger.

Mental Minimalism: Clear your mind by prioritizing your tasks and saying no to non-essential commitments. Meditation, journaling, and setting boundaries are key.

Lifestyle Minimalism: This involves simplifying daily routines, focusing on quality over quantity in relationships, and valuing experiences over material possessions.

Environmental Minimalism: Reducing waste and living sustainably. It’s about using fewer resources and making eco-friendly choices.


      Quotes - Explaining more using less words!

      What could be a better than providing a few examples of quotes which by very definition explain concepts better than a ton of words!

      “Less is more.” Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

      “The more things you own, the more they own you.” Unknown


      "Simple living and high thinking is our culture" - Surya Kiran

      “If you can fit all the items you really need and care about in to a single bag comfortable enough for you to carry, then you are a true minimalist.” – Surya Kiran


      “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci

      “It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.” Seneca


      “Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.” Leo Babauta

      “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” Will Rogers


      “Minimalism is not about having less. It’s about making room for more of what matters.” Nathan W. Morris

      “The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t.” Joshua Becker


      How to Achieve Minimalism?

      • Start Small: Remember how you first learned to ride a bicycle? With training wheels and a lot of wobbling. Begin your minimalist journey by decluttering one area of your life at a time. Tackle that overflowing closet, then maybe your digital life next (goodbye, unnecessary apps!).
      • Ask the Hard Questions: Channel your inner Sherlock Holmes and investigate your stuff. Ask, “Do I really need this? Does this bring me joy?” If not, let it go. Marie Kondo isn’t just a neat freak; she’s a minimalist sage.
      • Practice Mindful Consumption: Before you swipe your card or click “Buy Now,” think twice. Is this purchase going to add value to your life, or will it be next year’s clutter?
      • Digital Declutter: It’s not just about physical stuff. Unsubscribe from emails, clean up your social media, and turn off those pesky notifications. Your brain will thank you.


        Visible and Invisible Benefits

        • Physical Space: Less clutter means more space to move, breathe, and dance like nobody’s watching (yes, even to Govinda’s hits).
        • Mental Clarity: Like clearing your computer’s cache, minimalism clears your mind, making space for creativity, peace, and better decision-making.
        • Health Benefits: Less stress and anxiety mean better sleep, lower blood pressure, and fewer headaches. Who knew throwing out that old Tupperware could be so good for you?
        • Improved Relationships: With fewer distractions, you can focus more on your loved ones. Instead of looking for your car keys under a pile of stuff, you could be making memories.
        • Financial Freedom: When you buy less, you save more. It’s like having an invisible bank that grows with each unnecessary thing you don’t buy.


          Next Steps

          1. Decide what type of life you want: Out of control or Well planned?

          2. Decide whether you want more time for yourself? Yes or No

          3. Decide whether you can try a new concept for next 3 months?

          4. Read our next set of articles which will guide you through this journey.


          Summing up:

          Minimalism is not about living with nothing; it’s about living with enough. It’s like making a cup of Tea or coffee—too much sugar or milk can ruin the perfect blend. Keep it simple, keep it meaningful, and you’ll find that your life is richer than ever. So, next time you’re tempted to buy that latest gadget or a Sales man tells you in total risk if you don't buy that expensive insurance plan, ask yourself: “Do I really need this to be happy?” More often, the answer is no. Breath and enjoy what you already have!

          This article is a part of series that focusses on minimalism and how to embrace it.



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