There are many things associated with Deepavali but the very less known aspect of deepavali is that the whole celebration is centered around "Apamrutyu nivarana", that is to avoid untimely death. By doing that we get "Abhaya" to celebrate life itself. Hence the festivity part of the philosophy comes into action.
Dhanurtrayodashi (Dhanteras) - Ashvayuja Krishna Trayodashi
Dhanurtrayodashi is the first day that marks the beginning three day festival of Deepawali. Danavantri, the imparter of Ayurveda is also worshipped on this day. On this day goddess Lakshmi is also worshipped as this is the day she emerged out of samudra manthana.
Most importantly. this day two lamps must be lit the front of the house as a "Bali" to Yama, to protect the family from "Apa-mrutyu" - untimely death.
On triyodashi, "Jala" is also worshipped, all the vessels in which water is kept in the house is cleaned and pots are decorated and sanctified water is prepared for the ritual bath that will be taken on Chaturdashi.
Naraka chaturdashi - Ashvayuja Krishna Chaturdashi
Narakachaturdashi is the second day of the three day festival of Deepawali. On this day lord Krishna killed Naraka-Asura with this sudarshana chakra.
On this day a sacred bath is had in the early morning after doing "Abhyanga", applying oil. This is done because, there is lakshmi is the oil and ganga in water. The two together protect and purify a person. The fruit of this is also mentioned as being rid of the fear of death.
तैले लक्ष्मीर्जले गंगा दीपावल्याश्चतुर्दशीम् ।।
प्रातःस्नानं हि यः कुर्याद्यमलोकं न पश्यति ।। ३२ ।।
This is also the day when Bali chakravarthy (asura) was defeated by Vishnu as Vamana Avatara (a short brahmana). It is said that the entire universe celebrated this with the joy of lighting lamps as a symbol of showing light to bali chakravarthi as he is heading towards pathala as a gesture of respect and admiration towards a great hari bhaktha, in whose lineage later Dhruva was born.
On this day, there is the practice of showing way to the pitrus by holding torches ( long sticks with fire on the tip). "All those ancestors who have been offered their last rites through the fire of my lineage may you receive more light from these torches" - this is the sankalpa.
Deepavali - Amavasya
Deepavali occurs on an Amavasya. This is the day when lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after a 14 year long exile. This day is celebrated by lighting up one’s surroundings with lamps and lights.
This is also the day to perform Lakshmi and kubera pooja for daridrya nivarana.
Mantra for Lakshmi Devi
नमस्ते सर्वदेवानां वरदासि हरिप्रिये
या गतिस्त्वत्प्रपन्नानां सा मे भूयात्त्वदर्चनात्
Mantra for Kubera
धनदाय नमस्तुभ्यं निधिपद्माधिपाय च
भवन्तु त्वत्प्रसादान्मे धनधान्यादि संपदः
Balipaadyami / Bali pratipada
Once raja Bali gave away all his land to Vishnu who came as Vamana, then he expressed a desire to visit his kingdom at least once a year, this is that day when Bali returns to see us all.On this day, people offer their respect to Bali in different ways, these are region specific.
On the same day Govardhana Pooja is also performed for the wellbeing of cows upon which rests the wellbeing of man. The symbiotic relationship between cow and man is very sacred and should be protected.
गोवर्धनधराधर गोकुलत्राणकारक
कृष्णबाहुकृतच्छाय गवां कोटि प्रदो भव
Go-pooja Mantra
लक्ष्मीर्या लोकपालानां धेनुरूपेण संस्थिता
घृतं वहति यज्ञार्थे मम पापं व्यपोहतु
Bhagini Dvitiya ( It falls in Karthika masa)
This is a festival where brothers visit their sisters and have food at the sisters place.
The sister ( elder or younger) blesses the "kula" of the house she is born in. She prays for the long life of the brother and requests for the gods to bless the house she is born in.
The brothers must take all effort to go and eat the food at their sister's house. It will give them a certain special strength. Brothers should also give dana to their sisters based on their capacity.
There are many more things that can be detailed about these festivals as the whole country celebrates these festivals with great devotion and intricacies of traditions and cultural practices.
This content is part of a larger article on Ashwayuja Masa Mahatmya.